"HOPLA by Bestheim" is an original collection of 5 Alsatian Wines and Cremants elaborated and presented in an original way to (re)discover the Alsatian art of living. This range offers accessible and fun entry keys to the world of Alsace wines. "Le Rosé" is a Crémant produced exclusively from Pinot Noir.
Vinified in stainless steel tanks with a short maceration of the grapes. Fermentation according to the traditional method, followed by maturing on slats for at least one year before marketing.
The 8 grams of sugar added to the disgorging constitute a subtle dosage that exalts the aromas of this fine Crémant Rosé.
Intense pink, superb string of fine and elegant bubbles.
Fruity with raspberries, gooseberries and morello cherries.
Round and balanced attack, fine acidity with notes of raspberries and morello cherries.
A companion of the aperitif, it will be appreciated with savoury or sweet bites such as canapés with eggs of lompes, or raspberry macaroons.