"HOPLA by Bestheim" is an original collection of 5 Alsatian wines and Crémants elaborated and presented in an original way to (re)discover the Alsatian art of living. This range offers accessible and playful entry keys to the world of Alsace wines with 5 products easy to decode, accommodate and appreciate to guide you towards a new way of tasting our vintages in the respect of the Alsatian wine making know-how.
A gastronomic, fun and educational ALL-IN-ONE set including 5 vintages: 2 Crémants d'Alsace and 3 Vins d'Alsace to [re]discover the wines of the region and accompany you throughout a meal. An original hexagonal box, the ideal gift to offer to wine lovers of Alsace and elsewhere!
A box that will accompany you from the beginning to the end of your meal!